Good recruitment pays dividends over and over again – high morale, low attrition, good culture fit and reduced costs. Poor recruitment can be very expensive – demotivated staff, high turnover, exaggerated expectations and excessive costs in terms of advertising, agency fees and plain TIME!
Our approach is to look honestly and objectively at each particular situation – and recommend the approach best suited to it.


The Search approach is especially suitable where there is a requirement for a unique blend of specific skills and experience. It is also appropriate where the existence of a present incumbent renders the situation sensitive. PICD specializes in the application of well-tried techniques to identify individuals with scarce expertise that are difficult to recruit by other means.

Successful Search demands detailed research and creative networking with existing and specifically generated contacts. Initial approaches, made from referrals and personal recommendations, quickly identify those individuals of real interest. These candidates may not be seeking a career move at the time of contact and will not therefore be scanning recruitment advertisements or be registered with relevant agencies. Raising their interest in a new role, and handling any concerns about the prospective new employer, are key aspects of the process.


The Selection approach is suitable for most vacancies where a wide pool of potential candidates exists. A well designed and accurately targeted advertisement, either in PICD's house style or bearing the client's own identity, placed in carefully selected media to draw the most relevant response, will provide the best chance of a successful outcome.

Search and selection

The combination of these methods is appropriate where it is desirable to make a value judgement between the capabilities of a few key players within the market and the strengths of those, acting in similar capacities in other sectors, who have broader experience. Depending on the extent of research required either a full or a limited Search can be conducted in tandem with a Selection assignment designed to attract candidates through a targeted advertising campaign.

Psychometric assessments:

Psychometric profiling can enhance the selection process by identifying the key personal traits that will ensure compatibility within the organisation.